Conference on Power System Engineering 2021 is financially supported by the Visegrad Fund.

Project ID/Title: 22110166/ Conference on Power System Engineering 2021
The Conference on Power System Engineering is an annual meeting of experts from universities, research centres and SMEs dealing with power system engineering. In its jubilee 20th year, we would like to ask researchers in the V4 region to actively participate in the conference and to present results of their work with the focus on energy savings, efficiency, and reliability increase in various industrial processes. Based on the similarities in the research topics, further cooperation possibilities will be discussed, and powerful network of researchers will be established.
The main goal of the project is to build an international network of scientists and experts in the V4 region with the focus on energy savings, efficiency and reliability increase in various industrial processes, development and implementation of emission-free technologies. At a time of transformation of the energy industry caused by the ever-increasing demand not only for electricity, but also for other forms of energy, decarbonization and the reduction of fossil fuel reserves, it is necessary to work especially in academia to develop new technologies and methods to implement energy savings. The issue of energy savings is currently addressed to some extent by all the project partners. However, since each workplace has a certain area of focus, the results of such research have limited scope. Only the international cooperation of these workplaces offers a comprehensive solution, because only then is it possible to communicate experience and knowledge in specific areas in order to harmonize the activities of the individual workplaces. These subactivities of the individual workplaces can then complement each other, creating a highly efficient research network to achieve the specific goals of the current energy industry. 12 universities will be involved in the project. Bilateral cooperation has taken place among some of them in the past, but all these partners have never been connected across the V4 region, which will also help to reduce language barriers and encourage the mobility of researchers and students.
Project Partners
University of West Bohemia (CZ)
The University of West Bohemia in Pilsen is the lead partner of the project. The University of West Bohemia has initiated cooperation with all partners and also completely arranges the organization of the conference, including the costs of all partner universities. The university is represented by the Department of Power System Engineering from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The task of the department is to define work packages for comprehensive cooperation of all partners and to moderate meetings.

Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ)
Czech Technical University in Prague, its Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the institutes active in the energy sector have been dealing with similar topics for a long time. The possibilities of this institution are extensive and therefore the university is able to cooperate in many areas. There have been a number of joint projects in the last 20 years. Some of them also took place in cooperation with other partners of the submitted project. These include, for example, the following projects: Advanced Energy Technology and Systems (2006-2009), Unsteady Flow of an Axial-Flow Turbine Stage Investigation (2008-2010), Meeting of Departments of Fluid Flows and Thermodynamic (2008, V4 funding), Thermophysical properties of water in unexplored, technologically significant regions (2009-2013), FLEXTURBINE (2016 – 2018), Turbine profile cascades for supersonic flow fields (2017 – 2020).

VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (CZ)
The Department of Power Engineering of the University of Ostrava also deals with similar topics. Members of the department regularly attend conferences on energy systems. Their long-term experience in the field makes them a suitable partner for research cooperation. There have been a number of joint projects in the last 20 years. Some of them also took place in cooperation with other partners of the submitted project. These include, for example, the following projects: Advanced Energy Technology and Systems (2006-2009), Meeting of departments of Fluid flows and Thermodynamic (2008, V4 funding), Innovation of education of mechanical engineers for nuclear energy (2009-2012), Partnership on Energy and Environment (2009-2012), Efficient energy management – savings, efficiency, availability (2011-2013), New Generation Nuclear Energy Partnership (2011-2014).

Technical University of Liberec (CZ)
Technical University of Liberec and its Department of Power Engineering Equipment deals with similar topics especially in the field of applied fluid mechanics and turbulence, including experiments. Contacts with the Department of Power Engineering Equipment already exist. They were established through meetings of experts in the field of fluid mechanics. Project-level cooperation has also taken place. These were in the following projects: Advanced Energy Technology and Systems (2006-2009), Teaching Fluid Mechanics and Thermomechanics (2006-2008), Meeting of Departments of Fluid Flows and Thermodynamic (2008, V4 funding), Innovation of education of mechanical engineers for nuclear energy (2009-2012), Partnership on Energy and Environment (2009-2012), Efficient energy management – savings, efficiency, availability (2011-2013), New Generation Nuclear Energy Partnership (2011-2014).

Brno University of Technology (CZ)
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and its Energy Institute is an important workplace within the Czech Republic with extensive experience in the field of power engineering. Several common topics can be found in the specialization of the Energy Institute. However, at the project level, there has been no significant cooperation until now, with the exception of the New Generation Nuclear Energy Partnership (2011-2014).

Silesian University of Technology (PL)
Contacts with the Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering and the Department of Power Engineering and Turbomachinery were established relatively recently. These contacts were established as part of the preparations for the Organic Rankine Cycle project – Highly Integrated Device for Waste Heat Utilization in 2018. This project was submitted under the Erasmus program, but, because of the large number of other submitted projects, it was not approved, although it was well evaluated. The Department of Power Engineering and Turbomachinery is an important part of the Silesian University of Technology. It has a very wide range and first class laboratory equipment. Common topics can be found in the field of turbomachines, numerical simulations and waste heat recovery.

Wrocław University of Science and Technology (PL)
Cooperation with the Wroclaw University of Technology and the Department of Thermal Sciences has not yet taken place. Contact has only been established in recent weeks during the preparation of the submitted project based on the recommendations of Budapest University of Technology and Economics. However, the Department of Thermal Sciences will be an important partner in the project due to common interests in the field of ORC systems and low-emission energy.

Częstochowa University of Technology (PL)
A joint study programme is currently under preparation with Czestochowa University of Technology and the Department of Thermal Machinery. However, research cooperation has practically not been carried out until now. Common topics can be found in the field of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, CFD simulations and turbomachines, making the Department of Thermal Machinery a suitable partner.

University of Žilina and the Department of Power Engineering is a regular member of the Meeting of Departments of Fluid Flows and Thermodynamics and is also the organizer of the conference, which the Department of Power System Engineering has participated in several times. However, concrete project cooperation has not yet taken place. The Department of Power Engineering deals with measures to increase the energy efficiency of technological processes, combined production of electricity, heat and cold, and simulations of heat and mass transfer, which is a good prerequisite for participation in the project.

Technical University of Košice (SK)
The Faculty of the Aeronautics of the Technical University of Košice is a prestigious educational institution in Europe and in the world providing education for pilots and air operating personal for over 40 years. There is a successful cooperation with the Department of Power System Engineering in Pilsen in education as the professors from Kosice provide lectures in Pilsen. However, there is not a cooperation in the research area even though both workplaces deal with similar topics such as turbines, compressors, energy savings, efficiency increase etc.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics (HU)
Contact with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and the Department of Energy Engineering was established a few months ago thanks to published articles, which revealed that both partners deal with similar topics. There has been no cooperation or personal meeting until now. The Department of Energy Engineering is also concerned with ORC technology and waste heat recovery, modelling and energy equipment, which corresponds with the focus of other partners.

The University of Miskolc, Institute of Energy Engineering and Chemical Machinery, Department of Fluid and Heat Engineering was invited to the project based on their participation in the V4 project in 2008 called Meeting of Departments of Fluid Flows and Thermodynamics. However, no further cooperation has taken place beyond this project. The Department of Fluid and Heat Engineering deals with power plant structures and their integrity and is therefore a suitable candidate for the project partner.